Our development teams coordinate in-house expertise from across our business to ensure cost efficiencies at every stage of a project. We also look to secure cooperation from and with local communities, authorities and energy companies - so we can achieve the best results.
When choosing a site, we consider a range of issues. These include land use, ecology, solar resource (or wind speed and terrain) and ease of access, as well as planning policies and proximity to people's homes. Then, with knowledgeable in-house teams on hand for the technical and engineering challenges - such as resource assessment, procuring the most appropriate technology, civil engineering and grid connection - we get to work designing and building successful projects.
When developing and designing our projects, we involve local communities and commission independent environmental assessments. We are essentially guests on the sites at this stage, so we look to establish and maintain good relationships with landowners and the local communities. We also work closely with legal authorities to secure the necessary leases, planning and grid connection permits.
Our developers also work with legal and commercial teams to negotiate power agreements with local and national distribution companies - to agree off-take, financing, interconnection and transmission agreements, ready for construction or sale.d
•Identifying sites for wind, solar, energy storage and transmission, plus mapping adjacent land use and grid connection.
•Establishing and maintaining relationships with local landowners for access and resource measurement
•Establishing and maintaining positive dialogue with local communities and authorities
•Project planning, including optimization of resources, civil, mechanical and electrical engineering - all while balancing environmental, economic and social concerns.
•Conducting environmental assessments, covering ecology, hydrology, geology, acoustic, archaeology and aviation.
•Managing the entire process, from planning and consent to full permission
•Negotiating with utility providers on electrical offtake, connection and transmission agreements
•Arranging all legal and financing agreements for construction or sale.